
Many actions in JavaScript are asynchronous. In other words, we initiate them now, but they finish later.

For instance, we can schedule such actions using setTimeout.

There are other real-world examples of asynchronous actions, e.g. loading scripts and modules (we’ll cover them in later chapters).

Take a look at the function loadScript(src), that loads a script with the given src:

function loadScript(src) {
  // creates a <script> tag and append it to the page
  // this causes the script with given src to start loading and run when complete
  let script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = src;

It appends to the document the new, dynamically created, tag <script src="…"> with given src. The browser automatically starts loading it and executes when complete.

We can use this function like this:

// load and execute the script at the given path

The script is executed “asynchronously”, as it starts loading now, but runs later, when the function has already finished.

If there’s any code below loadScript(…), it doesn’t wait until the script loading finishes.

// the code below loadScript
// doesn't wait for the script loading to finish
// ...

Let’s say we need to use the new script as soon as it loads. It declares new functions, and we want to run them.

But if we do that immediately after the loadScript(…) call, that wouldn’t work:

loadScript('/my/script.js'); // the script has "function newFunction() {…}"

newFunction(); // no such function!

Let’s add a callback function as a second argument to loadScript that should execute when the script loads:

function loadScript(src, callback) {
  let script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = src;

  script.onload = () => callback(script);


Now if we want to call new functions from the script, we should write that in the callback:

loadScript('/my/script.js', function() {
  // the callback runs after the script is loaded
  newFunction(); // so now it works

That’s the idea: the second argument is a function (usually anonymous) that runs when the action is completed.

Here’s a runnable example with a real script:

function loadScript(src, callback) {
  let script = document.createElement('script');
  script.src = src;
  script.onload = () => callback(script);

loadScript('', script => {
  alert(`Cool, the script ${script.src} is loaded`);
  alert( _ ); // function declared in the loaded script

That’s called a “callback-based” style of asynchronous programming. A function that does something asynchronously should provide a callback argument where we put the function to run after it’s complete.

Here we did it in loadScript, but of course it’s a general approach.